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erstes Weihnachten mit Baby
Christmas is about spending cozy and relaxing time with the family. New moms are very excited about the very first Christmas with a baby, especially if it's the first child everything is very exciting and of course you want everything to be perfect. But also with the second darling (as in my situation) the anticipation of the first Christmas together is huge. To make the holidays a beautiful memory and not end in chaos I have a few tips for you today. :-)
Finally the time has come, your baby is here! But after the first high, other, mostly unexpected, negative feelings often creep in... Constant exhaustion and lack of energy can lead to a permanent low mood, especially for new moms, and in some cases even end in postpartum depression! But don't worry, not every postnatal depletion equals postnatal depression. There are many different layers between an emotional high, good, and bad mood, depletion and depression! Also, every mom will go through many mood swings, for the simple reason of hormonal changes and the well-known lack of sleep. But what exactly is a postpartum depression and how can you counteract the emotional chaos and depression-like symptoms?
"The most important thing is to take enough vitamins" was probably the advice I got most often during my first pregnancy. But what does it even mean to take enough vitamins? And which vitamins are particularly important? Today we'll provide you with all the important information and tips on healthy nutrition during pregnancy, with a focus on essential nutrients. After all, I can't say it often enough: besides an active lifestyle, a balanced diet is the be-all and end-all for your baby's healthy development.
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