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MOVE IT MAMA users might be familiar already with the #Collections in our app. Today, however, we would like to present them to you once again in detail, so that even those who still don't use the app have a complete overview and you - dear users - can enjoy the workouts adapted to your preferences to the fullest.
All the workouts in the MOVE IT MAMA app can be done from the comfort of your own home or, if the weather is nice, in the open air. Of course, you can do all the exercises with your own weight without additional equipment, but for some exercises we have purposely chosen special "mommy equipment" to create the maximum stimulus for your muscles in a short time and achieve faster results. Because as a mom, our time is short.🙂
Are you wondering if you should or maybe even have to stick to certain things when it comes to nutrition even after giving birth? Are there any particularly helpful tips for breastfeeding moms and what about when you're not breastfeeding - is everything allowed then? Today we give you a first insight... don't miss it 😊
Many moms are familiar with it, the pregnancy test is positive, but with the feelings of happiness many new worries and fears appear, which you just can not turn off. At a certain point, this can have a negative effect on the development of the baby, so you should do your best to counteract stress and prevent mental strain. We will explain to you today in which way this works best.
Most new moms struggle with -in their perception- too many pesky baby pounds after giving birth. While the joy of the birth of your little treasure is huge, the accumulated reserves are a thorn in the side of many moms. Certainly this isn't always the case, after all, bodies come in all shapes and weight gain doesn't look the same for all of us, however, getting back to pre-baby body is a common often unachieved goal among young mommies. In this blog article, I'll tell you 4 tips to permanently get rid of your baby flab and answer the most important questions around the topic.
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