
Symphysis Pain – Pregnancy Aches III

Dear Mama, if you have pelvic pain and discomfort during pregnancy, it could be symphysis pain. What is symphysis pain? Have you never heard of it either? If so, you are like me during my first pregnancy. So in this blog post, I’ll explain to you what symphysis pain is, how it is caused, and most importantly, what options are out there to relieve the symptoms. I hope you enjoy this read. And don’t forget: Sharing is caring – If this article helps you, feel free to share it with other mamas (to-be) all around you. This way our MOVE IT MAMA community can grow even bigger and we can support even more mamas on their way through pregnancy and after…

Why does symphysis pain occur?

Symphysis pain is caused by the loosening of the ligaments and joints in the pelvis due to the hormone relaxin. This physical change during pregnancy is basically a smart move of nature that facilitates childbirth. However, it can also cause the symphysis pubis to become overly loose, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Other factors that can contribute to symphysis pain include quick weight gain, improper posture, overexertion and previous pelvic injuries.


Symptoms of symphysis pain can range from mild to severe and can be felt in the pelvic area, lower back and hips. Do you have pain when you stand or walk for long periods of time, get in and out of bed or the car, or move your legs apart?  Then it could be symphysis pain…But don’t worry mama! The good news is that there are several things you can do to help relieve these symptoms.

So what to do?

Resting throughout the day, maintaining good posture, and doing exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles can help. Wearing a pelvic support belt also helps some women. I would also recommend that you first avoid any activities that make the pain worse, such as heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time. At least until the symptoms are medically clarified. If you suffer from severe symphysis pain, it is important to talk to your doctor. This way, other underlying conditions can be ruled out and physical therapy can be recommended or medication prescribed as needed to relieve the pain. We at MOVE IT MAMA can and do know a lot, but we are not doctors…:-)

Better than any medication – Specific training to relieve symphysis pain

In addition to the many other positive effects of sports and exercise, physical activity during pregnancy can also help specifically against symphysis pain. Light to moderate-intensity movements are particularly suitable: walking, swimming and yoga can help keep your joints and muscles strong and flexible, which can relieve symphysis pain. You will also be able to strengthen your core through targeted workouts, such as those at MAMAS LITTLE MIDDLE. This will also directly improve your posture and reduce pressure on your pelvic area. If you suffer from symphysis pain, you should still talk to a doctor before training and ask for an expert opinion.

Last but not least

Remember that especially during pregnancy it is important to take care of yourself, for you and for your baby! You deserve to enjoy this special time in your life without unnecessary pain and discomfort. Seek support from your partner, family or friends: They can all help you and take over tasks that may cause you pain or be uncomfortable. Most importantly, be sure to take the time you need to rest and recover.


In addition to targeted exercise, alternative therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractic can also help with symphysis pain. Some moms swear by it, others it doesn’t help – it varies from woman to woman. Symphysis pain can be uncomfortable, but with some changes to your habits and targeted exercise, you can relieve your symptoms. Remember that every pregnancy is different, and what works for one woman may not work for another. Be patient and give yourself time to figure out what works best for you. I wish you a happy and pain-free pregnancy, because every one of us deserves that!

All the love,


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