

Fit&Healthy After Baby

Have you had a C-section and are unsure if and when you can, should, or may begin exercising, or even your fitness routine again? It doesn't matter if you chose to have a C-section, or had a medically necessary planned C-section, or an emergency C-section. Not to mention the emotional pain you might have, the physical surgery is also very stressful for your body. Now your body needs time and rest to recover and heal. But does that mean you have to wait a long time after a C-section to get back into your fitness routine? If so, how long exactly? Or are there even exercises that stimulate the healing process?
Die Zeit vergeht wie im Flug! Schwups, ist auch das 2.Schwangerschaftstrimester um. Natürlich möchte ich euch hier besonders Einblick geben. Wer von euch gerade im 1. Schwangerschaftstrimester steckt, kann meine persönlichen Eindrücke dazu natürlich auch noch hier nachlesen. Heute geht es um das 2.Schwangerschaftstrimester und auch die Frage, ob es wirklich das sogenannte Wohlfühl-Trimester ist.
Moms want to know: Is there only a workout plan for during pregnancy? No! MOVE IT MAMA is much more than that! We not only guide you safely through all trimesters, but also through the first weeks after birth, recovery and provide workouts for mommy time. Our training is targeted at both beginners and the more advanced among you. So you can expect much more than birth preparation and classic postpartum classes. Today we explain our concept in detail.
The right behavior after birth: How long exactly does the postpartum recovery last? Am I really not allowed to get out of bed at all? When can I start doing sports again? Many moms, including MOVE IT MAMA users, are unsure and afraid to start right after giving birth. I'll explain to you what the postpartum recovery is all about and what the advantages are for you if you start gentle gymnastics units in the first few weeks after childbirth and what they look like....
Most women struggle with intense mood swings during pregnancy. One moment you are overjoyed and the next you have a total emotional low. Even in the postnatal period, pregnancy and childbirth leave their mark and the roller coaster of emotions continues. It is not uncommon to feel powerless and weak all the time. But what exactly is behind it and how can you prevent the emotional chaos and exhaustion? In today's blog article, we go into more detail on this topic.
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