


Fisch und Fleisch in der Schwangerschaft
Today we continue with the third part of the pregnancy nutrition series. Among other things, we will focus on the topic: fish and meat during pregnancy. I explain why you, dear mom, should absolutely avoid raw products and how you can minimize the risk of infection through the right handling of the diet.
Nutrition during pregnancy is a topic around which many myths, well-intentioned advice and half-truths are rampant. What is really allowed to eat during this time and how much more is allowed? What should I do without during this time? It is undisputed that a balanced diet is good for the body. It's not for nothing that the saying goes: "You are what you eat". Whether this can also be applied to your child and how much usefulness there really is in the well-intentioned advice, we will clarify today at the start of our small series on the subject of nutrition.
It's especially important in the first few weeks after the birth to make sure you stock up on energy. Pregnancy puts a huge demand on our bodies and the birth can really take it out of us. That's why we need to replenish our energies and eat the right diet.
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