
Detox, Body Cleansing & Co. – Overrated Hype?

My dear Mama (to-be)…So good to have you back. Women’s magazines, billboard ads and social media are full of them….Everyone knows the terms, but what’s really behind them, almost no one knows…They promise us increased well-being, record weight loss in the shortest time, increased concentration, purification and the “glow” from within. We are talking about Detox, Body Cleansing or Detoxification – whatever you want to call it.

Have you ever wondered what juice cures, detox and body cleansing are all about and if all the hype is justified? I have! That’s the reason why today’s blog is about “Detox, Body Cleansing & Co. – Overrated Hype?” I hope you enjoy reading it!

Detox? What is this all about?

We have probably all heard the word before. But can we really imagine something under the term? If I had received one euro for every time I read the words Detox, Body Cleansing, etc. in a women’s magazine, in advertising or on (mom) blogs, I would have been a millionaire long ago 😉 .

So what do you think of when you hear the word Detox?

Detox(ification) from the inside

You probably first think of juice cures, cabbage soup diets or whole fasting days. And you’re not wrong at all. Detox is a collective term under which various dietary supplements etc. are marketed. The term “Detox” comes from the English language and means as much as “detoxification”. It’s core idea is to cleanse the body from the inside. That is supposed to work, for example, through teas, diets or special dietary supplements.

The different Detox-Concepts

So everywhere it haunts the net of this or similar terms. But for now, let’s keep it simple: Detoxification from the inside sounds good…but how does it work? In fact, there are very different detox concepts: They range from the renunciation of sugary and fatty, gluten-containing, highly processed and animal products to the intake of purely liquid food in the form of juices, soups, smoothies and teas. In addition, these can be supplemented, for example, by taking special detox tablets. The goal of such detox diets is to cleanse the body and eliminate or eliminate various harmful substances such as nicotine or alcohol. Important detoxification organs such as the liver and kidneys are thereby to be strengthened Detox cures.

What does science say about Detox?

Even though the core idea sounds good, none of the effects that Detox is said to have have been scientifically proven so far. For softeners or pesticides, for example, it is currently not known exactly how they affect the body. Also studies on detox products are also currently scarce. Problematic accumulations of toxins & Co. cannot be detected at all in the bodies of healthy people at present. In 2017, the German Federal Court of Justice therefore prohibited advertising with the word “Detox”. This would create an excessive expectation among consumers that is not yet covered by scientific studies.

Can I loose weight with Detox & Body Cleansing?

Many manufacturers also advertise with the promise to quickly achieve the hoped-for weight loss. Even though the marketing slogans often sound good, it is worth taking a look behind the detox facade here: Yes, you can lose weight through body cleansing, juice cures, etc.. Is it the best and most sensible way to lose weight successfully in the long term? Surely not. Of course, we lose weight for the time being if we drink only juices, for example, and do not eat any solid food. However, this effect is mainly due to the dwindling stomach contents and does not represent a promising diet concept.

So, give it a try if you feel like it and give it a try. I am here for you and can also tell you more about it and give tips.

But be careful: Such cures are of course not suitable for you if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. Because in these special phases it is essential to pay attention to a sufficient and balanced nutrient supply! Also as a non-breastfeeding mother you should not do such a cure too early. I recommend that you start at the earliest in postnatal phase 3, i.e. half a year after birth.

Either way, a healthy diet and regular exercise are the best combination to stay healthy and fit!


Keep it Moving!


My personal experience

Even when science is still not sure whether detox can achieve the promised effects in the body, many moms and women swear by it. If it’s good for you, there’s nothing to stop you from continuing or starting a detox cure on a regular basis. I also recently did such a cure – or let’s call it such a cleansing – with my husband – and it was a great experience for both of us. For me, the cure was a special challenge, because I like to snack quite a lot, often healthy snacks, but my stomach never has rest 😳 so it was also for my head a little teaching time that it can be done differently. And despite a lot of fatigue, these nine days were also a real energy booster in the end.

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