
Better sex, body control and more – benefits of a trained pelvic floor

Today, MOVE IT MAMA is all about pelvic floor training and how it affects your orgasm. You will find out, dear mom, why you should never neglect your pelvic floor during and after pregnancy.

Many women don’t give their pelvic floor the necessary attention, especially during pregnancy, and are afterwards content with the rehabilitation course that is typical in Germany and often paid for by health insurance. You should avoid this mistake! Regular pelvic floor exercises performed during pregnancy bring more benefits than you think. In addition to better bladder control and an easier childbirth, a well-trained pelvic floor also has an impact on your sex life.

What are the advantages of a trained pelvic floor for sex life?


Anyone who has already dealt with prenatal training probably knows that pelvic floor training plays a major role. It stabilizes, mobilizes, relaxes and reduces the risk of some pregnancy complaints such as pregnancy incontinence. The pelvic floor muscle runs through the entire pelvis and also ensures that the bladder and uterus stay in place. Especially during pregnancy, the pelvic floor is extremely stressed and affected.


Most women start training the pelvic floor after giving birth – as part of postnatal exercises. A well-trained pelvic floor helps you during pregnancy. It is important that you does not confuse this with a tense pelvic floor. During pregnancy, it is extremely important to learn how to tighten the pelvic floor aswell as how to relax the three layers of the pelvic floor. Because that’s what you need for a vaginal – i.e. natural – birth. However, a trained pelvic floor does not only reduces symptoms caused by incontinence, bladder weakness, back problems, etc. another nice side effect is, that it plays a big role in your sex life and a more intense orgasm! And why should not you experience this directly during pregnancy.


The pelvic floor plays a particularly important role in your sex life, it significantly increases the sensitivity of the orgasm. Be that as it may, the muscles of the pelvic floor contract during orgasm and in sum increase sensitivity. Also strength of the muscles, as well as the ability to relax them, is crucial for sexual arousal and an intense orgasm. In sum, a short, regular pelvic-floor workout is definitely an advantage for your sex life. 10 minutes a week is enough to see and feel smaller successes 🙂 


But you can not only train your pelvic floor during a workout, sex by itself is also a small training, because this muscle group contracts (pulls so pulsing fast together) and relaxing again sex as a bonus training session so! By the way, your partner can also feel a difference during penetration. And knowing how to relax your pelvic floor is a guarantee of easier childbirth and a quality orgasm.


Below I will show you an exercise that is easy to perform and can be optimally incorporated into your training. In particular, this exercise is also suitable for pregnant women. It is ideal for relaxing and for strengthening your pelvic floor. In my MOVE IT MAMA app, I attach great importance to training the pelvic floor every week, so you will find at least one pelvic floor workout in your weekly training plan every week. Now you know that you can also use it to intensify your orgasm and feel more pleasure.


How exactly does your pelvic floor influence your orgasm and how can you improve this?


Now I have talked so much about the fact that the pelvic floor has an influence on your orgasm, but now I will explain to you why exactly: The female orgasm is divided into four phases in which the pelvic floor plays an important role in each of the following phases. The four phases consist of the following: excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasm phase and relaxation phase.


During the arousal phase, every woman knows best what excites her. By tensing the pelvic floor muscles, the desire can be increased. Do not worry, you don’t have to consciously tense your pelvic floor every time you have sex.

With a trained pelvic floor you do this unconsciously, but you can also consciously help by tensing and relaxing and using your breathing in a targeted manner.


In the plateau phase, a certain state of tension is maintained evenly until orgasm occurs. To help with this, just when you are on the verge of orgasm, a few deep abdominal exhalations can kick start the orgasm, catapulting you into the orgasmic phase.


In the orgasm phase, the tension discharge takes place. Did you know that this part can last up to a minute for women? Much shorter for men.


For the pros: try pulling the three layers of pelvic floor up and in (like a cord), you can use it to herald the orgasm. This deeper abdominal breathing activates your pelvic floor and relaxes you at the same time.


By the way: Same sex partners have a clear advantage here when it comes to shared orgasms.


In the relaxation phase, we women do not really need a rest phase and are ready for the next orgasm if we have enough desire. A strong pelvic floor is your best friend here to experience multiple orgasms. If so, this is where you go right back into the arousal phase.


In order to intensify the orgasm, it is important to train the pelvic floor properly, whereby – as mentioned above – a short training session per week is already sufficient. This way you get to know yourself and your body better and know exactly how to move and to support your body.


If you still have trouble experiencing an orgasm or a more intense one, then other factors can also be the reason for orgasm problems:


  • Mind-set: Women usually have trouble reaching orgasm because they are distracted by thoughts and, so to speak, cannot switch off as much. A short meditation and relaxation helps here, you can find an exercise for this in my book: ELTERNSEX – Pimp Your Love 
  • You are not stimulated enough vaginally by the penetration, just help clitorally with your hand or the hand of your partner.
  • The woman has problems with her own smell. If in doubt, ask a professional here, you should not feel uncomfortable. A doctor knows that.
  • The woman cannot let her opponent drop because the chemistry is not right. Hopefully that shouldn’t be the case for you. Talk to each other, your partner cannot know everything you think!

How does a trained pelvic floor helps during childbirth? 


In general, pregnancies are easier for sporty women, and fewer pregnancy symptoms are experienced, such as back pain, bladder weakness, gestational diabetes, metabolic disorders, sluggish bowel movements and mood swings.


Did you know that mood swings also have a major impact on our libido? Of course, minor “bitches” are normal, but you should not rest on your laurels! As always, a small workout session is actually a miracle cure.


A workout helps you to be more balanced and relaxed during pregnancy. By getting enough exercise and stimulating your metabolism, you’ll keep both weight gain and uncontrolled mood swings at bay and you won’t feel terribly bulky. In turn influences this your lust and your sexual fantasies!

By the way, you release endorphins both during workouts and during sex. An ideal cycle: Sport makes you more balanced and you feel more like it, sex also makes you satisfied and you feel like doing a round of sport again.


Another motivation: through my MOVE IT MAMA training, my first and second pregnancy, I was able to experience not only great orgasms and incredible pleasure during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, but I also had two births without any painkillers. Of course, a bit of luck is part of it, but thanks to the training (including the pelvic floor unit) I was able to optimally prepare my body both times.

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A few light exercises are enough to support your pelvic floor and to relax you. An exercise that has helped me a lot is the child position combined with appropriate breathing. This exercise has an invigorating effect on your body and helps you to relax. It opens your hips and calms the mind. I can recommend it especially for stress and fatigue. And to activate the pelvic floor muscles.


  1. Kneel down and put your butt on your feet. Bend your upper body forward as far as it is comfortable. The arms are either stretched out close to the body at the side, hands towards the feet, or you stretch them out far in front.
  2. Now you breathe deeply into your body, stomach and sides may expand outwards, then breathe out.
  3. Then exhaling, you expel the air in short breaths, while you pull the right ischial tuberosity towards the left pelvic bone, then the left ischial tuberosity towards the right pelvic bone. Alternately short and dynamic. Between each exhalation, you automatically take a short breath in. Repeat this 10 times. This activates the second layer of the pelvic floor.
  4. Take a long breath in and out. Feel your abdominal wall rise and fall.


There are many more other types of breaths you can do here. This is only an example. Of course you can find more in our MOVE IT MAMA app and also in my book: ELTERNSEX 

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It does not matter whether you are pregnant or a new-mom and if you are struggling with some side effects. Or maybe you just want to experience a more intense orgasm and stumbled across this article.


The pelvic floor plays an important role in every life of a woman, all the more important to pay special attention to training this muscle group.


I am happy if I could help you a bit and maybe we will see each other soon in the app. In the MOVE IT MAMA app you will find more exercises on how to strengthen your pelvic floor and get more out of your sex life.

I hope this post will help you not only to prepare for the birth of your baby with athleticism and confidence, but also to feel stronger and fitter in your everyday mommy life 🙂 If you’re still worried and unsure about which pelvic floor exercises you’re exactly allowed to do, check out our MAMA WORKS THE FLOOR workout series.

Adapted to your pregnancy, these mommy exercises are an important part of a balanced training plan and will round out any fitness program. Trust me, the exercises will pay off!

If you want to learn even more about pelvic floor training, you can find my detailed article on the subject in the print edition of FIT FOR FUN from 06/16/2021. I’ve also put together a little exercise circuit for you and all young moms there to help you keep your pelvic floor elastic and strong. So, what are you waiting for? 😊


Keep it Moving,

Yours, Birte.

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