
5 tips for a healthy pregnancy everyday routine

You’re finally pregnant and super excited, but with the baby belly you face new challenges in your daily pregnancy routine. Physically and mentally it can be a bit stressful. This is quite normal, it should not scare you. With the following five tips you will master all Mom-to-Be everyday hurdles quite easily.

Tip 1: Bring structure in the chaotic mama mind

Make a clear weekly schedule, for example, find a day to schedule all your pregnancy appointments. If it is not possible to schedule your appointments on the same day, keep a notebook in which you record all your doctor’s appointments and everything that needs to be done before the birth. The important thing is to take your time and do one thing at a time. Don’t take on too much at the same time, because that only creates stress, which you should better avoid during pregnancy – for your own sake and for the sake of your little one. In addition, I recommend keeping a diary to sort out your thoughts and get them out of your head. One thing is for sure, a certain routine and structure will help you not to get overwhelmed by the new daily routine and the preparations for your little treasure. If you simply can’t cope with stress in your everyday pregnancy life, there are more tips for you in a past blog article “Mental strain during pregnancy”.

Tip 2: Wear a Belly Belt

The belly belt is a great way to help you carry the baby’s weight when your belly gets a little bigger. However, it relieves pressure on your back and pelvic floor muscles, which can reduce typical pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain or incontinence. In addition, it is also useful during mommy workouts, such as cardio workouts, as it supports your abdomen, perhaps giving you a firmer and more secure feeling while performing the exercises. It also helps if you suffer from symphysis looseness. However, realize that the abdominal belt does not replace the mommy workout, it rather serves as a helping hand in addition to your fitness workout to alleviate the discomfort.

There are also belts that you can use before and after. I find the following Belly Bandit Support Belt to be quite good and I used it in my first pregnancy in the third trimester.

relax pregnancy

Tip 3: Get enough sleep and rest

Even if your tummy doesn’t make it that easy for you sometimes, it’s important that you get enough sleep and are rested. This has an effect on your little one in the belly, if you are relaxed – so is your baby. It is best to place a pillow on the side between your knees and ankles. If your legs swell a lot, put something under the lower part of your mattress to help the blood drain away. You can find out more about how to effectively combat water retention here. The right breathing and relaxation exercises combined with stretching and fascia training, such as those from our RELAX & ROLL IT MAMA series, help you to find inner peace and experience a carefree and more pleasant everyday life during pregnancy. With proper and regular use, your subconscious quickly learns which breathing helps to calm you down. In addition, swimming or bathing is highly recommended. The water has a relaxing effect and after spending time in a bathing place you can usually sleep better. It’s enough to swim a few laps and fall into bed completely relaxed in the evening.

healthy pregnancy

Tip 4: Take care of yourself

It is important that you pay full attention to yourself. Try to walk a lot in the fresh air, it will invigorate you and drive away fatigue. Be sure to eat a proper diet. With the right and balanced diet, you and your little one will feel much better in your tummy. We go into more detail about the benefits of a healthy diet for you in our pregnancy nutrition series. It’s also okay to pamper yourself and treat yourself to a mommy beauty day, for example: Use a refreshing mask, take a warm and relaxing bath, then take care of your whole body and apply cream. This can also help you prevent pregnancy stiffness.

And the most important and last tip…

Tip 5: Incorporate mama training into your daily pregnancy routineTake care of yourself

Exercise and sports during pregnancy is the name of the game! Try to schedule a set time in your day for workout sessions. These will not only help you feel more physically well during your pregnancy, they will also boost your self-esteem, work wonders against mood swings and thus improve your mood. They help you to recharge your batteries and cope with everyday pregnancy with a little more ease and new energy. You can find out more about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy in a detailed blog article on this topic.

Did you know, for example, that a pregnant woman who exercises has been proven to experience less pain during childbirth? I, for example, did not need any painkillers for either birth, i.e. no epidural, and both went smoothly and quickly. Of course, there is also a lot of luck involved, but a very important deciding factor was my fitness and condition.

I hope I can make your everyday pregnancy life a little easier with these tips and you can enjoy this wonderful time even more now.

Keep it Moving,

Your Birte

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